Lauri Burns
Non Profit Mentor (Foster, Homeless and At Risk Youth)
Lauri Burns has made it her life work to motivate and inspire others to join together to help America’s forgotten and throw away youth. Having ventured down this path with no experience in 2007, she was confronted with skepticism, protectiveness and money hungry nonprofit consultants looking to charge her thousands of dollars for their “expertise.”
Frustrated with the process, and determined to do whatever it takes to change the lives of the children, Lauri recharged her battery and sought out to make a difference. Lauri has spent the last five years researching tools, shared resources and organizations that care. Utilizing all of the resources she discovered, she has created college housing, a drop in center, a street outreach and a national cellular service all with one full time employee and the services of caring professionals.
Determined that others looking to help our children should not be confronted with the same barriers, in 2008 Lauri began mentoring women all over the United States, sharing resources, counseling and hosting. With the release of Lauri’s inspirational story in PEOPLE MAGAZINE in March of 2012, the onslaught of requests was overwhelming.
Maintain the belief you can do it Add to it every day See it as it exists now Talk about it everywhere you go Eliminate discouraging people Relationships with successful people
Committed to her desired to help others, Lauri went one step further by launching this portal, creating informational podcasts and allowing free access to anyone interested in helping foster, homeless and at risk youth.
Each month Lauri will invite you to new podcasts on subjects like grant writing tips, building a board, building your volunteer team and tools to simplify the process. We will also provide podcasts from subject matter experts who can assist you in obtaining much needed resources.
Lauri’s credits her MASTER methodology as depicted in her life story, Punished for Purpose, on Amazon, as the kid contributor to her driving force. “The basic beliefs that were taught to me by my heroes continues to be the light beneath my feet and oil in my lamp. The possibilities are limitless!
Please fill out the form below and you will be provided with an introductory podcast with a bit about Lauri and her methodology, access to Lauri’s 501c3 documents as well as several tools and tips.