Inspirational Speaker Author & philanthropist The Teen Project Founder

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Lauri Burns has made it her life work to motivate and inspire others to join together to help America’s forgotten and throw away youth.

Teen Expert

Lauri Burns has been working with troubled teens for over 20 years and has earned a national reputation as a teen behavior expert.


Lauri is a renowned inspirational speaker who travels the map telling her inspirational life story in the hope to heal the hearts of people everywhere.

About Lauri Burns

Inspirational Speaker and Author of Punished for Purpose

Lauri is a renowned inspirational speaker who travels the map telling her inspirational life story in the hope to heal the hearts of people everywhere.

For the past fifteen years she has been inspiring audiences with her heartfelt story of courage, forgiveness, love and success. Lauri is an inspirational speaker, an Author, a fortunate 100 executive and business owner, The Founder of The Teen Project and has fostered 30 at risk youth in her personal home. In the past five years she has shared her heartfelt story at over 240 venues.